Monday, October 13, 2008

Scratching Post? No. Interesting. I think so.

My wife and I discovered that a chipmunk had gnawed through the weather-stripping at the bottom of the garage door and taken up residence in the garage.  He or she had found a small hole that led to the area below the floor. 

I fixed the weatherstripping and locked the cute little bugger out. 

Soon after I noticed that the chipmunk had chewed a new hole!  

Now I knew it had to go, so I bought a trap to catch and relocate the little guy.  Amazingly he or she was able to tip-toe into the trap, remove the shucked peanuts, and escape without being caught no fewer than three times. 

Next I deposited a big dollop of peanut butter on a small platform that is attached to the trap's spring mechanism. The wily and nimble little bugger was actually able to remove the peanuts from the goo without springing the trap.  Smart and well-fed.

Finally I crammed the peanuts into small holes on the platform.  In trying to get them, he or she sprang the trap.  
I drove the little guy to a small woods several miles away, opened the cage, and left a pile of nutty nuggets and peanuts in the shell at the base of a nearby tree to ease the transition.   Hope he or she survives.  


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