Friday, November 9, 2007

Cat Scratching? No. Fox update.

'Course I think foxes are beautiful and wonderful creatures but they don't belong in suburbia--too many hazards for them.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, our dog caught scabies from foxes that took up residence in our neighborhood and almost died. After treatment, he's doing great.

Yesterday while taking him for a walk, a lady I passed who was tending her lawn wanted to pet him and struck up a conversation. I asked if she had seen the foxes and indeed she had. I warned her about the scabies and she immediately said she had been itching like crazy lately. My advice was to hurry to a dermatologist.

Another lady farther on the walk also wanted to pet Comet who is a handsome pup. I mentioned the foxes to her too and she said she had recently found one dead, struck by a car.

Coincidentally I saw the final one of the three kits on our deck just yesterday morning. As I always do, I chased it away in an attempt to get it to fear humans. That's its only hope.


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