Sunday, August 26, 2007

Cat Jail

Cats who scratch where they shouldn't need to be discouraged, for their sakes and yours. With some, one *no* sharply stated will do the trick. (Many felines truly are fraidy cats and don't like any disapproval.) Others require considerable negative conditioning--none capable of harming the cat in any way naturally.

Cats who consistently misbehave despite attracting unpleasantness ranging from shaker-can rattles to water gun squirts might need to spend some time in cat jail. Any small uninteresting room--a bathroom for example--will do the trick. Before locking the furry felon away, make sure nothing in the jail threatens the cat's safety. For example, in a bathroom, make sure the toilet seat and cover are down.

Most cats hate having their freedom restricted and will stop doing things that seems to earn them a stay in an environment they don't like. When other things don't dissuade try giving your beast a short stay in the slammer. More later...


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