Astronomy Presentation To Brownies
Off and on for some years now, I have been the Sidewalk Astronomer in residence at the Brookfield Public Library here in our suburb. About once per month during the warmer seasons here in America's Dairyland, I use my 8" Celestron telescope to show library patrons Jupiter, the Moon, the Sun, and other objects.
Occasionally I am asked to give talks, and tomorrow afternoon I will be giving a PowerPoint presentation I call "Wonders of the Sky" to a troop of Brownies at a local elementary school.
These outings are a lot of fun. I try to show people things that those who follow astronomy see fairly regularly but others rarely or never do. Some of the videos and slides I have in my talk came to my attention at the amazing Astronomy Picture of the Day site. Two NASA scientists administer it and always come up with something interesting. Have a look at: