Saturday, March 26, 2011

Liz Taylor Tardy To The Last

I'm definitely not a fan of any actress or actor except for Jane Hannemann who is a friend and a great person.

However, I was impressed by Liz Taylor's decision to be "late to her own funeral."  The lightness and humor of her wish set an unusual mood for what typically is a terribly somber occasion.  Very impressive.

It's cool when people don't take themselves or life too seriously. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Scratching Solution

After almost 15 years of selling Natural Scratch, I am convinced that every cat can be trained to claw a post, plank, or slab and to leave other things alone. 

Some cats are easier to train than others just as some humans are more inclined to accept instruction and direction than others. 

These products are guaranteed and only rarely do I receive any back.  Please have a look at

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bald Eagle Over Suburban Brookfield

We live about ten miles west of Milwaukee, but two weeks ago I saw a bald eagle out my office window.  No mistaking it--big white head and white tail feathers-- because I've seen quite a few eagles in Northern Wisconsin over the past decade. 

They have come back strongly, and we regularly see them at a family cabin located some 15 miles from Iron Mountain, Michigan.

It was flying in a big looping, hunting patten and was tending toward the southwest.  I went out and watched it until it disappeared.  Evidently it was just passing through.

A nesting pair of Bald Eagles reportedly has taken up residence in Mequon, another 'burb about 15 miles northeast of our location.  Looking into this a bit online, I discovered a video of a Bald Eagle flying over Milwaukee's harbor.  You can see it at

All thanks to Rachel Carson, author of the great *Silent Spring*, a book that led to the banning of DDT and the rebounding of raptors, including eagles.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gray Time For Wisconsin

Don't know exactly why but this time of year always seems to be cloudy and gray in Wisconsin.

That, coupled with the melting snow, creates a bleak picture.

Spring is just around the corner, though, and then everything will begin to change. 

Wisconsin is hard to beat in the spring and summer.