Sunday, December 26, 2010

Natural Scratch And Kittens

The best time to begin training any animal, humans included, is during childhood. Good habits instilled early persist.

To kittens, Natural Scratch is like a small tree and they enjoy clawing their way to the top. Rewarding this behavior with treats and affection reinforces in the kitten's mind that this is one place it may go a little wild.

The training booklet that accompanies Natural Scratch has a special section on kittens, and it emphasizes the differences between teaching a kitten and an adult cat. Get a preview at

Monday, December 20, 2010

Drug War Deaths in Mexico

For the last 40 years, I have witnessed the American war on drugs.  Today it seems as pointless as ever and more deadly than ever.  The attached article was in The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel several days ago.

We need to find a better way to deal with intoxicants.  Current approaches are tragically counter-productive.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Coliseum Is A Headstone

The other day I turned on the TV while having lunch and saw a travelogue about Rome.

First up was the coliseum, viewed from the air.

Various angles were presented as the helicopter holding the camera operator circled the place.  It was easy to see hundreds of tourists walking around within its crumbling walls. 

"Oh, what a great attraction it is..." the narrator said in so many words, as if it were Niagara Falls.

What it really is a headstone to tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of animals, including humans, who were murdered within its walls for the twisted amusement of the primitive Romans.

We're more civilized now, but parts of society still find brutality entertaining.

We have a long way to go. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


There is no such thing as a miracle, but some things certainly seem miraculous. 

Cataracts seem to run on my mother's side of the family.  I had to have the one in my left eye removed about two years ago; yesterday the one in my left eye was treated.

Holy Holstein!  My vision is now the best it's been in years.

I'm even typing this without reading glasses even though the near aspect of my ability to see is the one that was sacrificed because the artificial lens that was installed can only focus far or close, not both.

Thank you Dr. Young and staff and Menomonee Falls Community Hospital and all the brilliant, hard-working scientists who have brought medicine to it current point of effectiveness.