For better or worse--and frankly, it's often worse--wild creatures are appearing more frequently in our suburb of Brookfield, Wisconsin. The attached images show a rafter of turkeys that arrived one afternoon last week. (I checked and yes rafter is the name for a group of turkeys). There were ten birds in all. They appeared in our wild area, walked to the deck we have behind the house, and all ten flew up to the top of the railing and sat down. My presence didn't concern them. (Clearly they haven't heard of Thanksgiving.) By the time I got outside again and took the shot of them on the railing, several had already glided down and were walking away.
Natural Scratch
Natural Scratch was designed by a lifelong cat lover to preserve cat claws, furniture, and other fine things.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
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- Name: Natural Scratch
- Location: Brookfield, Wisconsin, United States
Curious. Animal lover.
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