Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Deer In Brookfield

Our suburb west of Milwaukee has an abundance of wildlife, especially white-tailed deer, which we see regularly.

These shots were taken about two weeks ago.  The deer were just outside my office windows on separate days.

The one-antlered buck was trying to "tongue" seed out of the bird feeder. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Promoting Natural Scratch

It's sometimes said that the easiest part of getting writing published is the writing. 

The same might be said of creating a scratching post system that works for most cats and people. 

Not that writing or designing and manufacturing are easy. It's just that like catching the attention of editors, getting the scratching post in front of cats and people who need it is hard. 

If you have any ideas of places where I can promote my Natural Scratch posts, I hope you will pass them on.