Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cat scratching frustrations

Like any companion, cats can do things we don't like and that get on our nerves. Scratching something they shouldn't is a major irritation for just about everyone. Thing not to do is get angry--this won't help. Instead, you should immediately understand that the cat is scratching something it shouldn't for one of two reasons or combination of the two: 1. The absence of an approved scratching target in its environment; and 2. It hasn't been trained properly.

The solution is to purchase or build a good scratching post and then train your cat or cats to use it. The first part of this is pretty easy and naturally I highly recommend Natural Scratch. Part Two--training--might seem a daunting challenge but truly isn't that hard if you have a sensible method and follow it.

Check out to learn more about the easy-to-use training guide that comes with Natural Scratch.

It has worked well for many humans and cats.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Coping with cat scratching

Clawed cats are wonderful but they must scratch something to keep their claws the proper length. However, if they are gouging the Early American chair that the guy on *Antiques Roadshow* said is worth $200,000--mainly because it has such a dowdy but authentic finish--then you need to take action!

It's not that hard. First you need a good scratching post, then you need to follow a training method that works. Both are available with Natural Scratch. Kitty treats are important, too.

After that all you need to add are the big three: consistency, patience, and love. When your ball of fur is clawing Natural Scratch and leaving the chair alone, you can be rightly proud of yourself.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cat scratching to get attention

Cats naturally would rather be able to run around outdoors and investigate to their hearts' content prior to sacking out for what they no doubt would view as a well-deserved nap. 'Course the modern world in most areas is too dangerous with all the vehicles to allow cats to run free.

This means most felines are confined indoors so it's important to play with them regularly to make sure they get exercise.

If you aren't playing with your guys enough, they may scratch something they shouldn't just to get you to chase them around. It's like playing tag.

I mention this because one of my cats scratched something it shouldn't last night. This reminds me that I need to play with him more. Cats have a way of letting us know what's up.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Animal-Loving Volunteers

Let me pause for a moment to praise the wonderful people who give up their time or donate money to help the less fortunate, whether cat, dog, another critter, or a human.

This is stupendous and all able-bodied people should be grateful that they can be a donor rather than be in need of a donation.

I do a little here and there as I can and urge you to, too.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cat Scratching Solution

If your cat is or cats are clawing that plush sofa you spent a small fortune on, you need to take action immediately. Go to a hardware store and purchase some double-sided carpet tape or some heavy plastic sheeting. Apply one or both to save your sofa. These are temporary measures until you train your critter or critters to scratch an approved target.

Cats are like humans in a number of ways because, after all, we're fairly closely related to them as fellow mammals. Once they do something they like they are apt to do it again, just like us. More so, cats deposit scent when they scratch and this is like a magnet to them.

After making sure they cannot continue clawing something you cherish you need to purchase a good scratching post and begin training. Training is a straightforward and fun process that always succeeds if you follow a method that works and have a decent post. You'll find both at

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Redirecting Scratching

Cats who are scratching fine things in your home or apartment need to be trained to scratch something made for the purpose. Why not try *Natural Scratch*?

It comes with instructions that are easy to use; has interactive features that are fun for humans and cats; and carris a money-back guarantee.

On top of all of that, it's a natural product.